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Corporate Training

Organisations now a days want their employees to be the best since there is a lot of competition. If the employees are happy and well trained then the output they provide to their organisation is higher than other organisations.

We all have heard of induction training, system training, technical training, on the job or on the floor training etc. however these trainings help the employees to understand how the organisation works and organisations standard operating procedures.

The main question is ‘Is this training enough for an employee to perform and bring great output’ the answer to this is no. If it was 50 years back may be the answer to this question would have been yes however in the 21st century only technical training will not suffice for an organisation to run and be successful.    

Along with technical training now there is a need to develop employees to be more socially involved and make them ready to work in teams with good and healthy atmosphere.

Corporate training which involves topics like communication, soft skills, emotional quotient, time management, customer handling, positive thinking, team building etiquette training etc.

Organizations focus on these training when their work load is less. These trainings are distributed over a week or month. These trainings are interactive and involve activities which the employee enjoy. Some organization ensures these trainings are provided in 5-star hotels or on weekend off-sight where employees are more relaxed as it is not in office environment.

? What happens if an organization doesn’t invest in these trainings?

If an organization doesn’t involve these trainings, they will soon notice employees work as robots without focus on their team members or not considering customers feels or emotions. Employee will not have a sense of belongingness towards their organization which will in-turn lead to employees feeling work is monotonous or boring and employees will switch jobs fast. With technical knowledge an employee can work only at the base level if the employee wants to climb the organization chart then they need to develop their social and non-technical skills.

  • How will this training help the employees and the organization?

This training will focus on developing the employee individually and working on their non-technical skills which unfortunately is not covered during one’s academics.  These skills make an employee understand how to handle challenging situation, ensure great customer satisfaction and a positive working atmosphere. Positivity is infectious if the managers or team leads follow good practices then automatically the juniors will also focus on god practices in the organization. Hr team always strive to ensure these trainings are equally distributed and allotted to every team of the organization.

Corporate training is the need of the hour as competition is increasing continuously. Providing these trainings will ensure good organization development and growth hence all industry giants and start up ensure this training is provided right from the beginning of the employee’s journey in that organization.

This training will help your employees perform better and in turn improve your organization’s work environment.

