While planning a career or getting into one we always have a lot of questions in our mind however rarely do we get those questions answered.
Please find below few questions that might help you get more clarity about your aviation career.
Minimum height requirement for Female cabin crew 154 cms and Male cabin crew is 170 cms. Most international airlines prefer candidates must be able to reach a height of 212cm.
There is no particular height or weight criteria for ground staff.
BMI range required for females 18 – 22 and for males 18 – 25.
It is important to read, write and speak English. However more the number of languages you know it is an added advantage for you.
Swimming is indeed a very important skill however now days this requirement is more airline specific. Not every airline now a days requires swimming skills.
Seldom you will get an option of your preferred base. In aviation/ hospitality industry candidates should be willing to relocate to another city or country for better opportunity.
To be a cabin crew age requirement is from 18-27 years for non-experienced crew.
No airlines don’t charge money or any fees during the interview process however once a candidate gets selected, they have to give a Demand Draft (on airlines name) as a security deposit.
Yes, aviation and customer service industry require candidates to work in shifts. Candidates who are flexible to work in shifts are considered for this job.